Talks resume between UAW and GM but Union Members still apprehensive.

On Tuesday, the contract negotiations between the United Auto Workers and General motors froze as the union accused General Motors of not being committed enough to building their products in the United States.

It was expected that the contract talks are going to resume on Wednesday. The strike is now 24 days old and has been costing the automakers, General Motors and many of the line workers a lot of money.

It was reported on Tuesday that the two sides were putting their focus on the core economic issue in their labor talks. The major one of them is the wage increases. There were proposals exchanged on both the sides but a letter sent by their member Terry Dittes signaled that the meeting had taken a negative tone.

He said that there was less progress in the meeting when it comes to guarantees from GM when it comes to product allocation.

He further wrote that the lack of commitment of GM to the UAW-GM locations has been weighing heavily on all their members who are seeking the best possible contract for the members and their families.

They have claimed that they openly had told GM that they did not have enough commitment to the skilled and talented workforce that has been making them profits of billions of dollars.

There are 33 manufacturing sites that GM has in the United States to go with the four sites which it has in Mexico. In Mexico, it has 16,000 hourly employees in comparison to the 46,000 in the United States.

What is worsening matters is the shift of focus of GM to the electric vehicles which requires lesser amount of labor.

About: Akash Gokhe