Google Has More Temporary Workers Than Its Permanent Workforce

As per the report from The New York Times, till March 2019, the search giant Google had 102,000 full-time employees worldwide. But in Google there is an additional group that outstrips those huge workers. The company has 121,000 temporary workers, contractors, and vendors, or TVCs in Google phrasing. TVCs usually do not create as much money and have not the same benefits when compared to full-time workers. When the workers performed a historic protest in November to dissent Google’s treatment of sexual assault accusations intended at significant executives, the dissent arrangers also call for better behavior for Google’s shadow workforce. Some temporary workers have also grumbled about being expendable within the company’s culture.

According to Eileen Naughton, vice president of people operations, if somebody is not having a good experience, the company offers a lot of means to account grumbles or direct worries. She added that in Google, they probe, grip individuals to account and work to sort things right.  As per the company’s spokeswoman, she failed to make a note on the headcount numbers. Over the past year, the company employees have increased involvement to dissent numerous workplace concerns at Google. Workers have also named out the company’s work in China and its military agreements. Matters allied to TVCs have also been a vast subject of dissent.

The company has extended its workforce in March 2019 and over 900 Google employees allegedly sign up a letter demanding improved management of the company’s stretched workforce. As per the report by The Guardian, the letter grumbled about the company limiting the agreements of numerous associates of the personality team for the Google Assistant.  Later that dissent, the company stated that it will need provisional worker companies that source Google with temporary and contract workers to deliver its workers with complete assistance.

About: Akash Gokhe