Facebook Brings Like Button To Stories Along With Different Reactions
Ready to place a Like on your Stories as well? Facebook Stories might seem as a drought place although it has 150 Million consumers each day. So Facebook is attempting to get more users who see your short-lived content on its Snapchat replica to comment so that you keep sending Stories. This week Facebook is conveying its Haha, Like, Sad, Wow, Love, and Angry “Reactions” to Stories from News Feed, substituting the general emoji fast replies it earlier provided. It is also including 2 “interactive stickers” such as a laughing smile and a flame, which you can include to your personal Stories. These stickers, when clicked by a friend, will flicker and alert you.
On a similar note, Facebook is also allowing users start a group answer feature to your Story with various friends. This feature rolls out on Messenger as a group thread. And when you click to view who has seen your Facebook Story, the watcher list will underline users who posted Messenger replies or reactions.
Together, these 4 new methods to provide feedback on Stories must make it fun when you post. Facebook has discovered great achievement with its Reactions including the Like button for News Feed posts. This is the same case with Instagram’s Heart button. They both activate a self-satisfaction or dopamine hit that motivates you to carry on sharing those posts that are more instinctive.
What if a Like button may come to Instagram Stories, particularly after this move from Facebook? That is too good to imagine.
On a related note, Facebook recently rolled out a stripped-down variant of the social photo-sharing application Instagram, targeted at consumers in developing countries.
Instagram Lite this week silently came on the Google Play Store for Android handsets and has a size of only 574 KBs. This is smaller than the approximately 90 MBs needed for the primary Instagram application.