Google Maps Receive Support For 39 Additional Languages
Google, the tech behemoth, incessantly operate on its maps service so as to make it simpler for the consumer to travel. The firm has now included support for more language to its app for Google Maps. Google has included support for 39 additional languages in its app.
In an certified statement the firm claimed, “Now, we are making Google Maps even more helpful by including 39 new languages—used by a predicted 1.25 Billion people all over the world: Albanian, Afrikaans, Armenian, Amharic, Bosnian, Azerbaijani, Croatian, Burmese, Danish, Czech, Filipino, Estonian, Georgian, Finnish, Icelandic, Hebrew, Kazakh, Indonesian, Kyrgyz, Khmer, Latvian, Lao, Macedonian, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Malay, Persian, Norwegian, Serbian, Romanian, Slovenian, Slovak, Swedish, Swahili, Ukrainian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Uzbek, and Zulu.”
The update of this app is obtainable for iOS, Android, and desktop consumers. Earlier, the app was claimed to be testing a new search bar. The new search bar is discovered on Pixel 2 XL in stable version 9.73.3 of Google Maps. Unlike what is witnessed in other apps of Google such as Google Play, Play Music, and others, this fresh bar is more circular from the edges and has logo of “Google Maps” positioned in middle instead sides. There are also some modifications observed in the text of the box. Some see “Search here” while others see “Where to?” written within the search bar.
In addition to this, Google Maps went through a huge revamp in December 2017 and also comprised of additional features.
These modifications was launched out over the to all Google items that integrate Google Maps, comprising the Search, Assistant, Android Auto, and Earth, claimed the firm in a blog post. Over a period of time, the new style was also visible in the websites, apps, and experiences provided by firms that employ Google Maps APIs too.